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Rain and cool weather brings end to fire season for private lands in Central Oregon

October 27, 2015

Oregon Department of Forestry’s
(ODF) Central Oregon District is terminating fire season at 12:01 am Saturday,
October 24, 2015.  Widespread rain across
the district last weekend, combined with forecasted cool, moist weather
patterns has brought an end to another long difficult fire season.  Oregon and the Pacific Northwest experienced
the third historic fire season in a row with drought conditions across much of
the landscape. 

Burn permits are required for all
open burning.  Permits can be obtained
from your local fire department or from the Department of Forestry.  Follow all instructions on the burn permit prior
to ignition.  Ben Duda, Wildland Fire
Suppression Specialist in Sisters emphasizes the need to call the local burn information
line before you burn, explaining, “Debris burning may be closed on days with
forecasted high winds or poor smoke management conditions, such as poor mixing
or wind blowing smoke toward populated areas. 
Since conditions change you really need to call daily.”  Contact your local ODF office if you have
questions regarding burn restrictions.

The termination of fire season
doesn’t mean there is no risk of fire or threat of fire spread.  Central Oregon has not experienced a
widespread season ending rain event, however fire managers for the district
believe the risk of large fire growth is low. 
Managers encourage landowners to hold off burning until a significant
rain event.  Practice fire safety and use
caution in activities which could ignite a fire.  Never leave a campfire or warming fire
unattended and be certain it is DEAD OUT! before you leave.  To fully extinguish a fire remember to douse
the flames, stir, and douse again.

Regulations differ between land
managers and landowners.  Determine any
additional restrictions imposed by landowners prior to traveling into the
woods. Contact your local US Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management office
for current restrictions on federal forest and rangeland.

Now is the time to begin
preparations for next year’s fire season. 
Technical advice for creating defensible space around your home and
reducing hazardous fuels is available from local ODF offices.  ODF Stewardship Foresters can also provide
guidance for landowners who have been affected by fire, including suggestions
for reforesting and planting native plants to provide improved soil stability
and water quality.

Central Oregon District local office contact information:

  • Sisters                                  (541) 549-2731
  • Prineville                             (541) 447-5658
  • John Day                             (541) 575-1139
  • The Dalles                             (541) 296-4626

Report uncontrolled fires to 911 or the local dispatch center. 
