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June 28, 2015—Sugarloaf Fire in Grant County
With implementation of fire season, burn permits issued earlier this spring may not be valid, check with your local ODF office before burning. Industrial slash and debris burning will no longer be allowed on ODF protected lands. Landowners are encouraged to check burn piles/areas which were burned earlier this spring or late last fall for any hold-over heat. In addition to these restrictions, logging and other industrial operations must meet requirements for fire prevention, such as fire tools, water supply, and watchman service when those operations are occurring on lands protected by ODF. Contact your local stewardship forester for more information.
COD had sixteen more human caused fires in the 2015 Fire Season than the ten year average (2005-2014), which accounted for 60% of the total fire starts in the District for 2015. “We can’t predict when and how many lightning fires we will get, but we can reduce the number of human starts by being smart and deliberate in our actions,” says Central Oregon District Forester, Mike Shaw. For additional information on ODF’s Central Oregon District, including contact information and unit offices, please visit www.ODFcentraloregon.com.