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Akawana Fire Quick Facts–June 11th, 2016 9pm

June 11, 2016

Fire Information:                     
Email Address:              
Twitter:                                     @centralORFire

Type of Incident:                      Wildfire
Cause:                                       Lightning
Date of Origin:                         June 7th, 2016
Location:                                  Akawana Butte, 13 miles North of Sisters
Types of Fuel:                           Grass, Brush and Timber
Structures Threatened:              912
Structures Damaged:                0
Residences Destroyed:             0
Current Size:                            2094 acres
Percent Containment:               72%
Number of Personnel:              595               
Hand Crews:                             22
Engines                                    17
Dozers                                      6
Water Tenders                           1
Skidgines                                   4 (track equipment with a water tank and pump)
Helicopters                                6

Note: The Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Incident Management Team and structural task forces working under the Conflagration Act have been released today to return to their home areas. The threat to structures has decreased significantly and conditions continue to improve. OSFM’s Green IMT will remain on the incident through this morning to help ensure a smooth transition.

Cooperators: Oregon Department of Forestry, Oregon State Fire Marshal, US Forest Service, Lake Chinook Fire District, Crooked River National Grasslands, Central Oregon Fire Management Services, Deschutes and Jefferson counties, PGE/Warm Springs Tribes Land Ownership
