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Neal Creek Fire Update August 5, 2016—Evening

August 5, 2016

Crews made significant progress today on the Neal Creek
Fire, improving the fireline and mopping-up the interior of the fire.  While the fire is producing a light haze in
the area, fire behavior is significantly reduced due to today’s suppression activities.  David Jacobs, The Dalles Unit Forester,
describes the fire as “Looking real good. 
Today went just like the plan.” 
The “plan” included getting hose lines all around the fire and plumbing
in to the creek at the bottom of the hill, for a continuous water source.  Firefighters were able to use the hoselays to
mop-up fifty feet inside the fire line, extinguishing any hot spots and burning
material.  The fire is currently 75%

This evening a five person hand crew and two engines will
monitor the fire.  Tomorrow morning the
four twenty person hand crews, two engines and other overhead will return to
the fire and continue mop-up activities.

The firefighters were able to use GPS today to map the fire
at 15.5 acres. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

Fire crews will continue to use the Hood River County
Fairgrounds for firecamp.
