Neal Creek Fire—ODF Central Oregon District Update–August 5, 2016

August 5, 2016

[The Dalles, Ore.]  The
Neal Creek Fire was reported around 4:00 PM August 4, burning in dense second
growth Douglas-fir on steep terrain approximately eight miles south of Hood
River.  The fire is burning on private
land protected by ODF’s The Dalles Unit. 
SEAT’s and heavy air tankers were used late into the evening to check
the spread of the fire and allow firefighters on the ground to flank the
fire.  Overnight fire crews were able to
establish a handline around the perimeter of the fire.  Today firefighters will strengthen
containment lines and work to suppress hot spots adjacent to the fireline. 

Temperatures in the area will be warm today, with winds gusting
to 30 mph which could push these containment lines.  Four twenty person hand crews and two engines
will be working on the fire today with support from two helicopters using
buckets to drop water on hot spots.  The fire
has difficult access, firefighters will be establishing hoselays to get water
to the interior of the fire for mop-up activities.

The fire is approximately 15 acres in size and is 50% contained.  Over the next few days crews will work to
mop-up 100% of the fire.  The cause of
the fire is under investigation but is believed to be human caused.

Fuel conditions throughout the Central Oregon District are
extreme.  Thunderstorms are expected
throughout much of eastern Oregon as a storm system moves through the region.  These storms could ignite fires, further
stressing available firefighting resources. 
The public is asked to follow all fire prevention measures to limit
potential human caused fires.       
