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Red Flag Warning Across Central Oregon District

August 5, 2016

The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning
for most of the Central Oregon District for scattered thunderstorms producing
dry lightning and gusty winds starting later this afternoon.  Warm temperatures over the last few weeks
have dried fuels and driven ERC (measurement related to how well fuels will burn
based on moisture content) to Extreme levels. In preparation for this event the
District is bringing in a strike team of engines (five engines and a strike
team leader) from western Oregon to work with local District resources.  These engines should arrive mid-afternoon

A Type 1 helicopter was planned to arrive in the District
this afternoon, but was brought in early this morning to provide support for
the Neal Creek Fire.  Fire managers have
planned an infrared flight for early Saturday morning to detect fires before
temperatures heat up and fires begin to spread. 
This flight will be in response to the storm pattern, and could be
cancelled if storms do not occur.  Additionally,
several contract dozers have been placed on standby throughout the District to
respond as needed. 

With the potential for multiple starts from thunderstorms
across the landscape these resources will support the safe and aggressive
initial attack action the District has been using all summer.  Keeping fires small reduces firefighter
exposure, landowner costs and limits damage to resources.
