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Board of Forestry announces new Oregon State Forester

September 7, 2016

Pictured:  Tom Imeson (Oregon Board of Forestry Chair), Peter Daugherty (new Oregon State Forester), Doug Decker (retiring Oregon State Forester)

Ken Armstrong, Salem,, 503-945-7420

SALEM – The Oregon Board of Forestry today unanimously selected Peter Daugherty as the next State Forester, concluding a process that began in early May when current State Forester Doug Decker announced plans to retire in October at the end of the current fire season. The Board announced the selection following an executive session to discuss the final two candidates, which also included ODF Forest Grove District Forester Mike Cafferata.

“The Board is excited to announce Peter Daugherty as the Oregon’s new State Forester,” said Board Chair Tom Imeson. “Peter brings a wealth of experience, energy and credibility to this critical position.”

Daugherty currently serves as ODF’s Chief of the Private Forests Division. He takes over as the 13th State Forester since the agency’s creation in 1911.

“I’m looking forward to the privilege of working with the outstanding personnel of this agency, as well as with the dedicated stakeholders and all Oregonians who care about our forest resources,” said Daugherty. “There are many opportunities, as well as challenges facing us as we hold ourselves to a high standard of forest stewardship, and I am committed to our continuous improvement.”

The selection process included interviews with the Board, a public stakeholders group and an internal employee group, as well as meetings with the Governor. The Board sought public input on the recruitment plan and desired attributes in late June.

The Board of Forestry consists of seven citizens nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Oregon Senate. Responsibilities include appointing the State Forester, setting management direction for state-owned forests, adopting rules governing timber harvest and other practices on private forestland, and promoting sustainable management of Oregon’s 30 million-acre forestland base. More information on the Board is available at:
