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New Year brings changes to leadership in central Oregon for ODF

January 24, 2017

David Jacobs, Recently retired Unit Forester in The Dalles Unit
[The Dalles, Ore.]  In December, David Jacobs, Central Oregon
District’s (COD) long time Unit Forester in The Dalles, retired after
thirty-five fire seasons with the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF).  Many
landowners and cooperators don’t remember a time when David wasn’t an integral
part of the wildfire protection program. Throughout his tenure David has
provided leadership during intense and difficult fire seasons, participated on
ODF’s Incident Management Teams statewide, and worked with landowners on complex
forestry issues in Wasco and Hood River counties.  David will be missed by his “COD Family”. 
Kristin Dodd, Unit Forester in The Dalles Unit.

Kristin Dodd will fill The
Dalles Unit Forester postion vacated by David’s retirement.  Kristin is a familiar face to many, having
been COD’s Assistant District Forester and most recently Unit Forester in the
Prineville-Sisters Unit.  The quick smile
and enthusiasm for her job will draw many to Kristin, but her dedication,
attention to detail, and highly developed skills will be what folks
remember.  Kristin has worked for ODF
since 1998, and in COD for the last  eight
plus years.  Since starting with ODF
Kristin has worked on a forest practices monitoring crew, been a Stewardship
Forester, served short term in various positions in State Lands, Salem Staff,
and other roles in the agency, in addition to her Unit Forester and Assistant
District Forester experience here in COD. 
She is also a a  member of ODF
Incident Management Team 3.  Kristin is
excited to make The Dalles her home with her husband John.

Gordon Foster, new Prineville-Sisters Unit Forester

[Prineville, Ore.]  Gordon Foster
was selected as the new Prineville-Sisters Unit Forester.  Gordon’s diverse background includes working
as a Forestry Aid, Forest Officer, Assistant Center Manager at Central Oregon
Interagency Dispatch Center, engine crew member, and protection supervisor,
recently celebrating twenty-five years with ODF.  He has been COD’s Prineville Wildland Fire
Supervisor since 2003, and is currently a member of Central Oregon’s
Interagency Incident Management Team.
Prineville Wildland Fire Supervisor Gordon has built great relationships with
landowners and cooperators in the Prineville-Sisters Unit and those will
continue to serve him well as Unit Forester.
