Forestland Classification Finalized in Crook County

February 17, 2017

Oregon Department of
Forestry—Central Oregon District

Contact:  Gordon Foster, Prineville
Unit Forester (541)447-5658
February 17, 2017


Prineville, Ore.—On February 6, 2017 the Crook County
Forestland Classification Committee voted unanimously to accept the preliminary
classification as final.  This
preliminary classification included suggested edits from landowner review at
public meetings in January and on-site visits with committee members.  All suggested edits to the draft
classification were reviewed by the committee prior to adopting the preliminary
data as final. 


The final classification was filed with the Crook County
Clerk, Cheryl Seely on February 17, 2017.
This filing initiates the thirty day appeal period for the
classification.  As per ORS 526.332 any
landowner who is aggrieved by the classification may appeal to the Crook County
Circuit Court.  By definition
“forestland” is any woodland, brushland, timberland, grazing land or clearing
that, during any time of the year, contains enough forest growth, slashing or
vegetation to constitute, in the judgement of the forester, a fire hazard,
regardless of how the land is zoned or taxed (ORS 526.005 (6)(a)).  ORS 526.324 further classifies “forestland”
in eastern Oregon into Class 2 (timber and grazing class) and Class 3 (grazing
and agricultural use).  The Crook County
Forestland Classification Committee has met regularly over the past four years
to review and refine the criteria used to update the Forestland Classification
in the county.

The committee consists of Tim Deboodt—Chairman (Oregon State
University Extension Representative), Kristin Dodd—Secretary (Oregon Department
of Forestry (ODF) Representative), Chuck McGrath (County Grazing
Representative), Casey Kump (Oregon State Fire Marshall Representative), John
Morgan (County Timber Representative), and Ken Fahlgren (County At-Large
Member).  The committee has focused on
equity and fairness for all landowners within the county as part of the
complete and coordinated fire protection system.  Oregon statute require lands within the
county be periodically reviewed for accuracy and changes to the vegetation.  The current classification of lands within
Crook county updates classification that was previously conducted in the

Current revisions to the classification includes all lands
in Crook County within ODF’s Central Oregon Protection District Boundary and
improved accuracy of the classification due to better technology and newer data. 

Beginning July 1, 2017 all Class 2 and Class 3 forestland in
Crook County will be included in ODF’s Forest Patrol and will have wildland
fire protection provided by ODF’s Central Oregon District.  ODF is part of the complete and coordinated
fire protection system which includes local, rural, county, state, and federal
resources.  Landowners who receive this
service will see a Forest Patrol Assessment on their Crook County Tax Statement
later this fall.  The per acre assessment
rate is based on a level of service determined by ODF with approval and
oversight from Eastern Oregon Forest Protective Association and a District
Budget Committee made up of local landowners from each of the counties in the
District.  The rate is determined each
spring after the budgeting process.  The
2016 rate was $2.1373 per acre for Class 2 (timber) forestland and $.7897 per
acre for Class 3 (grazing and agricultural use) forestland.  There is a minimum assessment of $18.75 per
taxlot with classified forestland.

Specific classification acres by taxlot can be viewed at the
Crook County Clerk’s Office or by contacting Gordon Foster, Prineville Unit
Forester, at the Prineville ODF Office.
The office is located at 3501 E Third Street in Prineville.  Additional questions or requests for
information should be directed to Gordon Foster, (541)447-5658.

