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Wildfire Season and the Great American Eclipse

July 13, 2017

During the peak of fire season, on August 21st,
central Oregon will experience the Great American Eclipse.  The path of totality will cut across Oregon
Department of Forestry’s Central Oregon District, impacting each of the three
units.  Visitor estimates range greatly,
but one thing we are certain of is that there will be an influx of people in
the area, typically resulting in an increase in human caused fires.
For the past year the District has been coordinating with
our partners in preparation for the event, focusing on what role each entity
will fill.  Our partners include federal,
state, and local government agencies as well local fire departments and
non-governmental organizations.  Working
with our partners we will be able to coordinate the response in an efficient
manner, and supporting our partners in their efforts as well.  The most important tool we have available
right now is communication, both between our partners and with the public.  Currently we are focusing our efforts on fire
prevention in hopes that landowners and the public will be vigilant and
thoughtful in their activities to reduce human caused wildfires. While we can
plan for the eclipse, it is impossible for us to know where a wildfire might
occur.  As the time nears we will have
more definitive plans based on the conditions and needs that are identified
including additional aerial resources and firefighters. 
The Central Oregon District will be participating in the
complete and coordinated effort to protect forestland and natural resources
throughout fire season.  If you have any questions
about fire season restrictions or eclipse preparation in your area please call
your local ODF Office:

  • John
  • Prineville—541-447-5658   
  • The Dalles—541-296-4626

Continue to monitor this site, along with our Twitter Feed
(@ODF_COD) and Facebook ( for wildfire information
leading up to and during the 2017 Solar Eclipse.

Check out these resources as well from other state agencies who are busy preparing for the eclipse:
