Debris Burning Information

October 3, 2017

A Burn Permit is required for burning yard debris or forestry slash, including material from defensible space activities in the Prineville-Sisters and The Dalles units.  Uncontrolled and escaped debris fires pose a significant threat to adjacent fuels. To minimize risk of escaped fire never leave a fire unattended, have firefighting tools on-site, and follow your burn permit restrictions.  Consider covering burn piles to keep the fuels dry and waiting until later in the fall/winter to burn when the risk of an escaped burn is minimal.

Uncontrolled fire, or burning without a permit or during a closed burn season can result in citations and fines, as well as liability for any costs associated with suppression of the fire. Consider alternatives to burning such as chipping, composting and debris removal programs through your local landfill.

The Dalles Unit includes Hood River and Wasco counties.  The Prineville-Sisters Units include Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, and a small portion of Lake counties.

Burning on lands protected by the Central Oregon District’s John Day Unit is prohibited until Fire Season is terminated.  This includes District protected lands in Wheeler, Gilliam, Morrow, Harney, Grant, Umatilla counties.

If you have questions regarding burn permits or open burning inside the Central Oregon District please contact your local ODF Office.  ODF Central Oregon District Contact Information.
