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2017 Annual Report

April 18, 2018

The 2017 Central Oregon District Annual Report was presented to the District Budget Committee on April 6th during the annual budget meeting.

This year’s report includes highlights from the challenging fire season, work under the Good Neighbor Authority, and the work Stewardship Foresters are doing with private landowners in the District.

Also included in the report are some of the ways the District is working to improve efficiency and finding innovative ways to face the ever-changing demands of forestry and wildfire suppression.

The District’s commitment to safety was emphasized in 2017 by reconvening the District Safety Committee. Led by personnel from around the District the committee focused on engaging all employees, working to improve the “Safety Culture” and overall wellness of everyone.

As you read through the report you will notice that our personnel are our biggest asset.  This is emphasized by the number and length of “Service Awards” and the various leadership roles employees took on to improve service to landowners and support co-workers.
