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Fire Season Ends for Department of Forestry Protected Lands in Central Oregon District

October 11, 2018

– The Central Oregon District of the Oregon Department of Forestry
(ODF) will terminate fire season as of 12:01 a.m., Friday, October 12, 2018.  Continued cool moist weather over the last
few weeks has significantly reduced the fire danger within the Central Oregon
District.  Fuel conditions in Central
Oregon are heavily influenced by weather patterns, and while the risk is
diminished erratic winds and lack of precipitation can quickly cause a rise in
fire danger.  Monitoring weather
forecasts, following prevention tips such as having a shovel and water
available when burning, and being aware of fire risk will help limit wildfires
this fall.  “We live and work in an environment
prone to wildfires, termination of fire season doesn’t mean the risk of
wildfires is gone”, explains Rob Pentzer, Acting District Forester for the
Central Oregon District.  “It means the
risk is reduced to a point where we can work with landowners, operators, and
the public so they can have campfires and operate chainsaws without restrictions,
but are still cautious and aware of the risks.”
Year to date the Central Oregon District
has had 74 human caused fires, up over 20% compared to the ten year average of
61 and up from the 65 fires in 2017.  These
fires have burned over 8,000 acres of land. 
Fires started by lightning were down by 35%, with only 45 fires year-to-date
versus the ten-year-average of 70. 
The information below is specific to the
various Units within the Central Oregon District.
Residential open burning is still prohibited within Deschutes, Crook
and Jefferson counties.  Please check
with your local fire departments for the most current restrictions within the
area that you live.  Industrial slash
burning requires a burn permit from the local ODF office in Prineville or
Dalles Unit—
The seasonal burn ban in Wasco and Hood River counties will
terminate October 15, 2018.  Please wait
to burn until after this timeframe.  Check
with local fire departments to determine if a burn permit is needed before burning.  Logging debris and slash burning requires a
burn permit from the local ODF office in The Dalles.   
Day Unit—
ODF does not require burn permits for burning yard debris.  Contact your local fire department to
determine if a permit is necessary prior to burning.  Use caution when burning yard debris, never
leave a fire unattended and monitor weather forecasts before deciding to burn.  A burn permit from ODF is required before
burning logging slash or debris from fuel reduction activities. Contact the
John Day ODF office to obtain a permit.
If you have questions please contact your
local Oregon Department of Forestry Office. 
Contact information is available at
