Open burning within ODF’s Central Oregon District may require a permit. Please contact your local ODF Office if you are uncertain whether a permit is required. Sometimes a permit from your local fire department is needed, rather than from the Department of Forestry. Typically burning small yard debris piles within a local fire department’s jurisdiction will be directed by the fire department. All burning of logging slash requires a permit from ODF. Please follow all directions from the burn permit or burn line.
- Open burning (other than logging slash) within the John Day Unit (outside fire department jurisdiction) does not require a permit from ODF.
- Burning of machine piled slash piles within the John Day Unit are not allowed after March 31st.
- All open burning within the John Day Unit will be prohibited after June 1st.
- Open pile burning within Wasco and Hood River counties will be closed after May 15th. All burning including burn barrels is prohibited after July 1st.