Bridge Drive Fire–update

May 9, 2019

[La Pine, Ore.]  Mop-up continues today on the ~12 acres
Bridge Drive Fire located north of La Pine in the Lazy River sub-division.  Firefighters are working within the perimeter
to extinguish areas of heat and look for burning and smoldering material.  The fire is located with the urban interface
with several homes inside the fire perimeter. 
Overnight the firelines held and this morning mop-up is 20% complete.  One primary residence was destroyed by the
fire yesterday afternoon.  Today’s
resources include the Redmond Hot Shots, seven engines, a water tender, and several
miscellaneous overhead.
The cause of the fire
was determined to be a backyard debris burn. 
Always have fire tools such as a shovel and water source on site while
you are burning.  Clear the area around
your fire to mineral soil before ignition. 
If your fire gets out of control immediately report it to 911.   A landowner
who is found to be negligent while burning may be held responsible for
suppression costs as well as be subject to citations.
Predicted weather
patterns for the next several days increase the risk of escaped debris
burns.  Consider using a no burn option
for disposing of yard debris or other vegetation, or wait until the weather is
better for burning.  Some no burn options
include chipping or transporting the material to a disposal site.  Open burning may be banned in some areas as
this warm, dry weather passes through. 
Check with your local fire department or Oregon Department of Forestry
before conducting debris burning.
May is Wildfire
Awareness Month.  Take the time now to
prepare you and your family for a wildfire. 
These steps can include developing an evacuation plan, creating
defensible space around your home, changing air filters within your home to
help reduce smoke impacts, and finding ways to keep up to date with
restrictions and prevention measures in your community. 
For additional
information on ODF’s Central Oregon District, including contact information,
burn permit requests, and local Unit offices, please visit


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