Hood River and Wasco counties Reconvene Forestland Classification Committee Dec. 18, 2019

December 12, 2019


[The Dalles, Ore]  The Hood River-Wasco counties Forestland
Classification Committee will be reconvening to review and update forestland
classification within Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Central Oregon
District, The Dalles Unit.  As required
by ORS 526.320 the committee will review existing forestland classification,
last updated in 2012, and make appropriate changes.  The committee will meet December 18, 2019 at 1785
Meyer Pkwy, Hood River, OR 97031, at 2:00 P.M.
The meeting is open to the public.
The seven
members of the committee are appointed by Hood River and Wasco counties’ Board
of Commissioners (four members), Oregon State Fire Marshal’s office, Oregon
State University Extension Service, and Oregon Department of Forestry. 
Committee members include:
Dodd, Oregon Department of Forestry Representative
Thiesies, Hood River County Forester, Forestland Representative
Jones, Hood River County Representative, Forestland Owner
Kramer, Wasco County Commissioner, At-Large Member
Anderson, City of The Dalles, Wasco County Forestland Representative
Ahrens, OSU Extension Service Representative
Trammel, Oregon State Fire Marshal Representative
Forestland classification is the
process by which the committee will review the criteria used to classify
forestland within the counties and determine any appropriate changes to the
criteria based on current Statutes and Rules for Oregon.  By statute (ORS526.324) forestland includes
lands suitable for growing timber, grazing of livestock, or a combination of
timber and grazing. The committee will then apply the criteria to non-federal
lands in Hood River and Wasco counties, classifying the lands as timber,
grazing, or joint use.
Forestland within ODF’s Central Oregon
District Boundary is assigned a Forest Patrol Assessment that is reflected on a
landowner’s county tax statement.  This
assessment pays for ODF’s wildfire protection for these lands.
The committee will spend the next
several months reviewing the previous criteria used and revising the existing
classification, where warranted.  When
edits are complete, a draft of the designated forestland classification will be
presented to the public at informational meetings and at a public hearing where
landowners can provide testimony to the committee. Upon adoption of the final
classification with each county Clerk, Forest Patrol Assessment will be updated
for landowners in Wasco and Hood River counties for the upcoming tax year. 
For additional information on forestland
classification processes or ODF’s Central Oregon District, please visit



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