Date: June 29, 2020-Afternoon
Contacts: Christie Shaw, Oregon Department of Forestry (541-263-0661)
[Rowena, Ore.] Today firefighters on the Rowena Fire focused efforts on mopping-up interior hot spots and extinguishing visible smokes. Crews worked to grid within the fire area, exposing the trapped heat, then dousing with water. Sandy soils and light flashy fuel conditions in the fire area allowed fire to burn through quickly and trap minimal heat. Containment is expected to be 90% contained at the end of shift today. There will be no night shift tonight.

The fire was initially reported Sunday afternoon burning in grass, scrub oak and ponderosa pine near Rowena in Wasco County. Two Fireboss Single Engine Air Tankers (SEATs) from Washington Department of Natural Resources and a federal Type 1 helicopter were critical in slowing the spread of the fire in difficult terrain, allowing firefighters on the ground to access the fire and build fireline.
Wasco County Sheriff’s Office cancelled the Level 1 evacuation notice for residences in the area Monday morning.
The fire is human caused and under investigation.
This will be the last update for this fire.