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Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Information Meetings Planned Nov. 29 – Dec. 16, 2021

November 24, 2021


November 22, 2021


Christie Shaw, Public Information Officer, 541-263-0661,

Kristin Dodd, Unit Forester-The Dalles Unit, 541-296-4626,

River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Information Meetings Planned

Dalles, Ore. — The Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification
Committee has completed review of the 2011/12 forestland classification for
each county.  Public information meetings
are planned with the intent of presenting the findings to landowners and the
public and answer any questions regarding the forestland classification results
and/or the forestland classification process.
By statute, periodic review of forestland within Oregon Department of
Forestry’s (ODF) protection boundary is required.  The Hood River-Wasco Counties Committee
reconvened in December of 2019 to begin the review, however due to the
difficulties of committee meetings and on-site field visits during the
pandemic, the committee paused the process until January of 2021.

The review is intended to update the forestland classification and
capture any changes to the vegetation resulting from land use changes or administrative
corrections, as well as make appropriate changes to the criteria used by the
previous committee and implement the new criteria.  “Forestland” in Oregon is defined as any
woodland, brushland, timberland, grazing land or clearing that, during any time
of the year, contains enough forest growth, slashing or vegetation to
constitute, in the judgment of the forester, a fire hazard, regardless of how
the land is zoned or taxed (ORS 526.005).

After identifying “forestland” within Hood River and Wasco counties, the
committee was charged with classifying these lands as Class 1 timber
(forestland suitable for timber production), Class 2 timber and grazing
(forestland suitable for joint use for timber production and grazing of
livestock), or Class 3 agricultural (forestland suitable for grazing of
livestock or other agricultural use) (ORS526.324).  While timber production or grazing of land may
not be a landowner’s primary objective, the Committee is bound by land
classification definitions that date back decades.

Landowners who will be impacted by the updated forestland
classification through their Forest Patrol Assessment for wildfire protection
were mailed postcards informing them of the planned meetings.  Any interested party may attend the public
meetings and/or public hearings.  Lands
which meet the above criteria for forestland may be subject to an assessment
for wildfire protection from the Oregon Department of Forestry.

Similar information will be presented at
each of the meetings, however, more detailed information and questions specific
to each county will be addressed during the presentation focused on that
county.  If a landowner cannot attend a
meeting for their county, they are welcome to participate during one of the
other meeting dates.  If they are unable
to participate in any of the meetings, they can contact ODF’s Central Oregon
District office in The Dalles, 541-296-4626 for information.  Additional information is also available at  Specific details on how to submit written testimony
can also be found at this website.

Virtual meetings begin at 6:00 p.m.

Wasco County Meetings

November 29, 2021–(Meeting ID: 956 8262

December 1, 2021–(Meeting ID: 975 5598

Public Hearing December 14, 2021– (Meeting
ID: 941 5977 1476) | Written Testimony Deadline:  5 p.m. on Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Hood River County Meetings

November 30, 2021–(Meeting ID: 969 4494

December 2, 2021–(Meeting ID: 949 9800

Public Hearing December 16, 2021– (Meeting
ID: 941 6830 7151) | Written Testimony Deadline:  5 p.m. on Tuesday, December 30, 2021

Committee Members

Dave Anderson, Committee Chair, Wasco
County Landowner Representative

Steve Kramer, Vice-Chair, Wasco County

Doug Thiesies, Hood River County Forester

Paul Jones, Hood River County Landowner

Glenn Ahrens, Oregon State University
Extension Representative

Jim Trammell, Oregon State Fire Marshal

Kristin Dodd, Secretary, Oregon Department
of Forestry Representative
