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Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee meets Jan. 21, 2022

January 20, 2022



Date: January 20, 2022
News Release – For Immediate Release
Contact: Kristin Dodd, ODF, 541-296-4626

Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee

 -Emergency Public Meeting- 

The Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee has called an emergency public meeting at the following time and location.

DATE:                        Friday January 21, 2022

TIME:                         9:00 A.M.-9:30 A.M.


                                    The public is welcome to attend via Zoom videoconference at the following:

Phone # if computer audio is not working:


Meeting ID: 996 0784 8206 

The purpose of this meeting is to review additional information from Oregon Revised Statutes and Oregon Administrative Rules which apply to the Forestland Classification in Hood River County.  The Committee will subsequently submit the Classification data for official filing with the Hood River County Clerk. This Committee review determines lands that may be classified as “Forestland” (ORS 477.001(9)) which determines what lands are protected from wildfire by the Oregon Department of Forestry. 

Kristin Dodd

Forestland Classification Committee Secretary
