Overnight growth dampened by precipitation over the Fossil Complex

September 11, 2024

YouTube for updates until Facebook page resumes: https://www.youtube.com/@FossilComplex
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fossilcomplexfire
InciWeb: https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-information/or95s-fossil-complex
Fire information: 541-903-5311
Email: 2024.fossilcomplex.info@gmail.com

SPRAY, Ore. – Westerly winds continued yesterday and into the evening and pushed the Service Fire to grow to the east, increasing its size to 21,887 acres. Overnight, the Service Fire was actively growing until 4am, making it difficult to establish lines in front of the growth. Night shift crews focused on structure protection along Winlock Road due to the fire being active late into the morning.

There was new fire start north of the Service Fire, which was caught and lined at 15 acres. Crews maintained and strengthened lines to the east of ORE 19 and along the north and south of the Service Fire.

Light rain is expected over the fire area later today while amounts will vary across the fire area. Lower temperatures and higher relative humidity will minimize fire growth helping crews working on building fire lines.

Today’s priorities are to continue to hold the fire east of ORE19 and to build direct and indirect line along the north, south and east side of the Service Fire. Crews have built direct line on the northwest side of the fire and will begin laying hose to improve containment. The east side of the fire is the most active and crews are working to identify where they can safely build direct line while also working to protect structures that may be in the fires path. The Oregon State Fire Marshal structural task forces will be focused on protecting homes and structures and supporting firefighting efforts around the fire.

The Kinzua, Canyon, Two Cabin and Holmes Fires are in patrol status.

Community Meeting: a community meeting is planned for this evening, September 11th, at the Fossil Elementary School Gymnasium at 6:30 PM. Please use the west entrance. There will be a community meeting in Spray on Thursday at 6:30 PM at The Rock due to the closure of ORE19.

The Wheeler County Sheriff’s Office continually evaluates evacuation levels. Please check their Facebook page for the latest updates. https://www.facebook.com/WheelerCountySheriffsOffice/

Please avoid the unauthorized use of drones. They are hazardous to aircraft and will ground critical aerial operations.

Fossil Complex
Total Size: 22,439 acres
Two Cabin-251acres
Canyon-190 acres
Kinzua-96 acres
Holmes-15 acres
Service- 21,887 estimated
Containment: 3%
Cause: Lightning
Current Cost: 7.4 M
All Resources
Hand Crews: 37
Engines: 53
Water Tender: 14
Dozers: 19
Masticator: 1
Skidders: 7
Skidgen: 3
Excavator: 2
Feller Buncher: 4
Total Resources: 1,150
Aerial Resources
Type 1: 3
Type 2: 5
Type 3: 3
Level 1: 359 addresses
Level 2: 92 addresses
Level 3: 26 addresses
ODF Incident Commander
Matt Howard Incident Management Team 2
