Warmer and drier weather returns over Fossil Complex

September 13, 2024

YouTube for updates until Facebook page resumes: https://www.youtube.com/@FossilComplex
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fossilcomplexfire
InciWeb: https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-information/or95s-fossil-complex
Fire information: 541-903-5311
Email: 2024.fossilcomplex.info@gmail.com

SPRAY, Ore. – Warmer and drier weather is returning to the fire areas which will increase fire activity. Crews have made a lot of progress with the cooler and wet weather in preparation to a return to these conditions. The west and northwest edge of the fire is plumbed with hose lay and crews are building the rind in that section of the fire. From the north to the northeast section of the fire crews will continue laying hose in preparation to start mopping up. The east side of the fire had fire activity within the perimeter late in the day yesterday. Crews will continue cold trailing along the fire’s edge and extinguish any areas with active fire to secure the line. The southwest to south point along ORE 19 is in mop up. ODOT opened Ore 19 early Friday morning. Check for updates on ODOTs TripCheck – https://tripcheck.com/

With the warmer and drier weather air resources will be fully available to the ground crews today.

Community members in Spray attended a community meeting and heard updates from ODF Operations, the Incident Meteorologist, Dustin Gustaveson John Day Unit Forester, Jeremiah Holmes Fire Defense Board Chief, and Matt Howard Incident Commander.

Videos: Due to an issue with the Fossil Complex Facebook page, recordings of the Daily Operations Updates and other stories will be available at: https://www.youtube.com/@FossilComplex.

The Wheeler County Sheriff’s Office has reduced all evacuations outside of the fire’s perimeter. Level 3 evacuations remain in place inside the perimeter of the Service Fire. For the most recent evacuation levels please go to: https://www.facebook.com/WheelerCountySheriffsOffice/

The Two Cabin, Holmes, Kinzua and Canyon Fires are all in patrol status.

Flying unauthorized drones is hazardous to aircraft and will ground critical aerial operations.

Fossil Complex
Total Size: 24,059 acres
Two Cabin-253 acres
Canyon-192 acres
Kinzua-96 acres
Holmes-15 acres
Service- 23,503
Containment: 3%
Cause: Lightning
Current Cost: $12 M
All Resources
Hand Crews: 40
Engines: 60
Water Tender: 16
Dozers: 21
Skidders: 7
Skidgen: 4
Excavator: 2
Masticator: 2
Feller Buncher: 4
Total Resources: 1,322
Aerial Resources
Type 1: 4
Type 2: 5
Type 3: 4
Level 3: 11 addresses
ODF Incident Commander
Matt Howard Incident Management Team 2
