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Continued mop up on Fossil Complex while suppression repair begins

September 20, 2024

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Fire information: 541-903-5311

FOSSIL, Ore. – Mop up continues on the Service Fire in the Fossil Complex. From the southwest to the northwest corner chipping operations are continuing along with back haul of hose and equipment. The northeast side of the fire continues with mop up operations, but some fire activity was observed in the interior, well within the control lines. From the east side down to the south side of the fire crews are gridding the area to identify hot spots, hazard trees and identifying suppression repair needs.

Identification of suppression repair areas is taking place across the entire fire area. This area includes the Fossil Complex, Lonerock Fire, and the Battle Mountain Complex. This work will help the landscape recover and prevent erosion through installing water bars on roads. Repair also includes repairing any fences or other items that were damaged by firefighting efforts. To better coordinate these suppression repair efforts across the three major areas, spike camps will be established in Long Creek and at the Morrow County OHV park to work on the Battle Mountain Complex and Lonerock Fire scar areas.

Today will be sunny and slightly warmer than yesterday. Winds will be stronger over the three fire areas with gusts up to 15 mph.

Humidity is lower today with relative humidity in the 20% range.

These factors may contribute to increased fire activity with the fire perimeters. Crews and air resources are available to help extinguish any flare ups.

All evacuation levels for the Service Fire have been lifted and all zones have been placed into “Normal” status. The Two Cabin, Holmes, Kinzua and Canyon Fires are all in patrol status.

Videos: Recordings of the Daily Operations Updates and other stories are available at:

Fossil Complex
Total Size: 24,446 acres
Two Cabin – 253 acres
Canyon – 192 acres
Kinzua – 96 acres
Holmes – 15 acres
Service – 23,890
Containment: 75%
Cause: Lightning
Current Cost: $25.7M
All Resources
Hand Crews: 23
Engines: 46
Water Tender: 17
Dozers: 11
Skidgen: 6
Excavator: 3
Total Resources: 940
Aerial Resources
Type 1: 2
Type 2: 3
Type 3: 3
ODF Incident Commander
Tyler McCarty Incident Management Team 3
