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Suppression repair is the main focus for crews on Fossil Complex

September 23, 2024

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Fire information: 541-903-5311

FOSSIL, Ore. – On the Fossil Complex, crews are doing final gridding on the Service Fire. This fire has been consolidated into a single division. The fire perimeter will be patrolled throughout the day. Crews are available for initial attack of any new fire starts and responded to a smoke report yesterday.

Suppression repair crews will continue work on all three fire areas – the Fossil Complex, the Lonerock Fire and the Battle Mountain Complex.

Fossil Complex suppression repair is mainly focused on the Service Fire. Crews and equipment will work on the north and south sides of the fire installing water bars and knocking down berms left from dozer lines.

Suppression repair on the Lonerock Fire will be on the east and west sides where there are dozer lines and berms needing repair. Crews are still identifying dozer lines and berms.

The Battle Mountain Complex fires still have a lot of suppression repair work ahead. Crews today will be working in the Monument, Wall Creek, Deer Creek and Middle Fork of the John Day River areas installing water bars, pulling back berms onto the dozer lines, and repairing of cut fence. They will also be identifying additional areas needing repair.

Today’s weather will be in the lower 70s. Winds will continue to be light out of the west and relative humidity in the mid-30s.

Videos: Recordings of the Daily Operations Updates and other stories are available at:

Fossil Complex

Total Size: 24,446 acres

Two Cabin – 253 acres

Canyon – 192 acres

Kinzua – 96 acres

Holmes – 15 acres

Service – 23,890

Containment: 92%

Cause: Lightning

Current Cost: $28.5M

All Resources

Hand Crews: 11

Engines: 31

Water Tender: 9

Dozers: 9

Excavator: 5

Total Personnel: 498

Aerial Resources

Type 1: 1

Type 2: 1

Type 3: 1



ODF Incident Commander:

Eric Perkins Incident Management Team 3
