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Tree seedling auction benefits Grant County Food Bank

February 24, 2016

Oregon Department of Forestry’s John Day Unit is raising money for the Grant County Food Bank by auctioning off two tree planting packages. Each auction package includes 500 mixed conifer seedlings (ponderosa pine and western larch) donated by the Malheur National Forest and planting by ODF’s John Day Unit staff. The auction is also intended to help local residents affected by fire. The one requirement for bidding is that the trees be planted on lands burned by the Canyon Creek Complex.

It is a sealed bid auction, with bids due at the John Day ODF Office by 4:30 p.m. Monday, February 29, 2016. Minimum bid for each package is $100. The two highest bidders will be contacted to coordinate the delivery and planting schedule for the seedlings. Those interested should come to the ODF office located at 415 Patterson Bridge Road in John Day to submit a bid.

One in five households in Oregon lives in hunger. Of those households, 42 percent contain someone who is disabled and unable to work, retired, or staying home to care for a child or disabled person. Overall, an average 270,000 people each month eat meals provided by Oregon Food Bank pantries – 92,000 of those are children. Every $10 donated provides 30 healthy meals.

All proceeds from the auction will go to the Grant County Food Bank, and may be tax deductible. ODF’s John Day Unit is sponsoring the auction as part of the Governor’s Food Drive. The theme this year is “Together we can solve hunger!”  Working together has helped those affected by the Canyon Creek Complex in the recovery process and in healing the community.
For more information on bidding for the seedling packages contact Rob Pentzer, John Day Unit Forester, at 541-575-1139.
