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Changes to Open Burning on Department of Forestry Protected Lands

May 29, 2018

[John Day, Ore.]
Beginning June 1, 2018 open burning will no longer be allowed on lands
protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry’s John Day Unit.  This
includes burn barrels, slash from logging activities or hazard mitigation work,
and backyard debris.  Landowners are encouraged to use alternate methods
to dispose of this debris or wait until after fire season when weather and fuel
conditions pose a low risk of fire escaping.  Escaped debris burns are the
leading human-caused fire issue in Oregon. Operators and landowners who do not
comply with these restrictions could receive citations and fines, as well as be
liable for any costs associated with suppression of the fire.
Campfires are still
allowed, with the reminder that they should never be left unattended. 
Follow these additional tips to reduce the risk of your campfire starting a
·       Clear the area around your campfire of all burnable
material for 10 feet.
·       Don’t build your campfire under tree limbs or other
flammable material.
·       Build a fire ring with rocks around your campfire.
·       Do not use an accelerant to start your fire.
·       Keep your fire small.
·       Have water and a shovel nearby.
·       Use the Drown, Stir, Drown technique to put your fire
·       Make sure your fire is cold to the touch before
leaving the area.  If you feel heat stir in more water.
·       Additional tips can be found online at or at
Areas included in this
closure are Oregon Department of Forestry protected lands within the John Day
Unit of the Central Oregon District in Wheeler, Morrow, Grant, Harney,
Umatilla, Crook and Gilliam counties.  If you have additional questions
regarding the restriction on open burning in the John Day Unit please call the
local ODF office in John Day, (541)575-1139.

Current fire conditions
and other information on ODF’s Central Oregon District can be found at  
