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News releases articles

2017 Annual Report

The 2017 Central Oregon District Annual Report was presented to the District Budget Committee on April 6th during the annual budget meeting. This year's report includes highlights from the challenging fire season, work under the Good Neighbor Authority, and the work Stewardship Foresters are doing with private landowners in the District. Also included in the report are some of the ways the District is working to improve efficiency and finding innovative ways to face the ever-changing demands of forestry and wildfire suppression. The District's commitment to safety...

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Untitled Post

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING                     Pursuant to ORS 477.250, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held to receive from any interested persons suggestions, advice, objections or remonstrance’s to the proposed budget for the Central Oregon Forest Protection District.  A hearing will be held on Wednesday, April 18, 2018, at 9:00 A.M., at the Oregon Department of Forestry – District Office, 3501 NE 3rd Street, Prineville, OR. Copies of the tentative...

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Boundary Change Public Hearing

Oregon Department of Forestry's Central Oregon District is holding a Public Hearing to receive testimony regarding a proposed change to the existing District Boundary in Jefferson and Deschutes counties.  The Hearing will be held at 1pm on March 19, 2018 at Redmond City Hall (411 SW 9th Street, Redmond, Oregon.).  Format of the hearing: Brief overview of the proposed change Public testimony Written testimony must be received by 5:00 p.m., March 23, 2018. Submissions should be addressed to Tracy Wrolson, Hearing Officer, Oregon Department of Forestry, 3501...

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Boundary Change Public Hearing

Map of proposed boundary change. Oregon Department of Forestry's Central Oregon District is holding a Public Hearing to receive testimony regarding a proposed change to the existing District Boundary in Jefferson and Deschutes counties.  The Hearing will be held at 1pm on March 19, 2018 at Redmond City Hall (411 SW 9th Street, Redmond, Oregon.).  Format of the hearing: Brief overview of the proposed change Public testimony Written testimony must be received by 5:00 p.m., March 23, 2018. Submissions should be addressed to Tracy Wrolson, Hearing Officer,...

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Seasonal Positions In Central Oregon District

Oregon Department of Forestry's Central Oregon District has numerous seasonal positions open throughout the District.  These positions include helitack crew members, wildland fire dispatchers, part time office specialist/dispatcher, wildland firefighter, equipment operator, and forest officer.  If you are interested in any of these positions visit GovernmentJobs Page for details and the application process.  While many of these jobs are "open until filled" supervisors will soon be pulling lists of qualified applicants to begin the interview...

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Untitled Post

Oregon Department of Forestry's Central Oregon District is planning a Spring Luncheon in the Prineville-Sisters Unit for forest landowners and operators! Two days will be held to accommodate both sides of the unit: April 14th in Sisters and April 21st in Prineville. Both our Private Forests staff and Protection staff will give updates and share information about current topics. Staff will be available to conduct pre-season inspections on fire equipment and we will have OR OSHA Basic Wildland Fire Safety Training for those that need it. Please RSVP...

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Public Hearing on revision to Oregon Department Forestry Central Oregon Forest Protection District Boundary

WHAT: The Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Central Oregon District will hold a public hearing on a proposed change to their Forest Protection District Boundary in Deschutes and Jefferson counties. Jefferson County Boundary Relocation WHEN: 1 p.m., Monday, March 19, 2018 WHERE: Redmond City Hall, 411 SW 9th Street, Redmond, Oregon. WHY: Revising the Central Oregon Forest Protection District Boundary to more accurately reflect areas receiving wildland fire protection services from ODF. WHO: The public is invited to attend and give testimony.  A report of the...

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Public Hearing on revision to Oregon Department Forestry Central Oregon Forest Protection District Boundary

WHAT: The Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Central Oregon District will hold a public hearing on a proposed change to their Forest Protection District Boundary in Deschutes and Jefferson counties. Jefferson County Boundary Relocation WHEN: 1 p.m., Monday, March 19, 2018 WHERE: Redmond City Hall, 411 SW 9th Street, Redmond, Oregon. WHY: Revising the Central Oregon Forest Protection District Boundary to more accurately reflect areas receiving wildland fire protection services from ODF. WHO: The public is invited to attend and give testimony.  A report of the...

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Department of Forestry looks to relocate Central Oregon District boundary

[Prineville, Ore.]  The Oregon Department of Forestry is considering shifting the current Central Oregon District Boundary in Jefferson County near Lake Billy Chinook.  District managers have coordinated with partner agencies to review the existing boundary and developed the proposed boundary location based on risk of wildfire and existing fuel factors.  Relocation of the existing boundary will reduce the area of the current protection boundary and will match-up with landowners who are paying for wildfire protection through the Forest Patrol Assessment...

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Department of Forestry looks to relocate Central Oregon District boundary

[Prineville, Ore.]  The Oregon Department of Forestry is considering shifting the current Central Oregon District Boundary in Jefferson County near Lake Billy Chinook.  District managers have coordinated with partner agencies to review the existing boundary and developed the proposed boundary location based on risk of wildfire and existing fuel factors.  Relocation of the existing boundary will reduce the area of the current protection boundary and will match-up with landowners who are paying for wildfire protection through the Forest...

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Burning update for The Dalles Unit

Modified Burn Ban Effective Saturday October 7th, 2017 lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry in Hood River County will enter a modified burn ban.  The modification to the current burn ban allows for burn barrels and small debris pile burning to take place between 6am and 11am.  All fires must be fully extinguished by 11am.  As always, any burning requires a current burn permit, acquired at your local fire authority. Grounds protected by Oregon Department of Forestry in Wasco County continue to be in a strict burn ban.  This means...

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Regulated Closure ends in Central Oregon District

[Prineville, Ore.]  Over the last few weeks cooler temperatures and increased precipitation has reduced the fire danger throughout lands protected by Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) in central Oregon.  As a result of this reduced fire danger the Regulated Closure in ODF’s Central Oregon District terminates at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, October 3, 2017.  These restrictions were in place to limit human caused fires during high fire danger when rapid fire growth may occur.  While fire danger is reduced the potential for fires to burn uncontrolled or...

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Fire Prevention Restrictions Ease on ODF Protected Lands in Central Oregon

[Prineville, Ore.] Cooler and wetter weather across most of central Oregon has reduced the wildland fire danger allowing Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Central Oregon District (COD) to modify the current fire prevention restrictions.  Campfires will still only be allowed at designated locations, primarily at local state parks.  However, use of chainsaws, mowing of dried grass, and welding/cutting of metal will be allowed between the hours of 8 p.m. and 1 p.m.  All other rules remain the same for these activities including on-site firefighting...

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ODF fire prevention restrictions still in effect in central Oregon

August 25, 2017 Contact:  Christie Shaw, Public Information Office                  541-263-0661 [Prineville, Ore.] Regulated Closure restrictions for lands protected by Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Central Oregon District (COD) remain in effect. These restrictions are intended to prevent fire starts from human activities. Numerous large fires currently burning in Oregon and adjacent states, continue to strain firefighting resources and initial attack capacity in the region. There is increased activity in the...

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Fire Update: Howard Meadows Fire

News Release—For Immediate Release August 15, 2017 Oregon Department of Forestry Umatilla National Forest Contacts:  Christie Shaw (ODF), 541-263-0661  Darcy Weseman (USFS), 541-215-2224 [John Day, Ore.] Firefighters from Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) John Day Unit and the Umatilla National Forest suppressed a fire near Howard Meadows in northern Grant County late Monday afternoon.  The Howard Meadows Fire was sparked by one of the many lightning strikes from last week’s thunderstorms.  Monday’s warm temperatures and afternoon winds fanned...

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Wildfire Season and the Great American Eclipse

During the peak of fire season, on August 21st, central Oregon will experience the Great American Eclipse.  The path of totality will cut across Oregon Department of Forestry’s Central Oregon District, impacting each of the three units.  Visitor estimates range greatly, but one thing we are certain of is that there will be an influx of people in the area, typically resulting in an increase in human caused fires. For the past year the District has been coordinating with our partners in preparation for the event, focusing on what role each entity will...

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Crews Keep Up Efforts as Grizzly Fire Command Transitions to Local Unit

Contact: Lauren DuRocher, Public Information Officer                  541-728-3854 Prineville – As high temperatures, low humidity and a red flag warning continue today, crews remain diligent with patrolling and mop up throughout the Grizzly Fire area. The 195 acre fire area was reported at 75% containment last night with firefighters targeting 95% containment by the end of the day. The COFMS Type 3 Incident Management Team is planning to transition command back to the local unit, Oregon Department of Forestry’s Central...

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Firefighters Continue Mop Up on Grizzly Fire

Contact: Lauren DuRocher, Public Information Officer                  541-728-3854  Prineville– Crews will continue extinguishing hot spots and smoldering areas throughout the Grizzly Fire.  As they work towards full mop up of the fire area, firefighters will continue today focusing on the perimeter and areas around private residences and structures. Yesterday, firefighters were successful at getting water to the southwest section and further securing the fire line. The fire area is...

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Grizzly Fire–Evening Update

[Prineville, Ore.] The Grizzly Fire was reported around 2 pm Monday afternoon, burning near Grizzly Mountain Road approximately nine miles northwest of Prineville.  The fire is burning on private lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry, Crook County Fire and Rescue, BLM Prineville District lands, and the Crooked River National Grassland. Initially reported at fifteen acres, the fire has quickly grown to over 200 acres, burning in cheat grass, sagebrush and juniper. The Crook County Sheriff has issued a Level 3 Evacuation for approximately twelve...

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Restrictions for lands protected by ODF in central Oregon increase as fire danger rises

[Prineville, Ore.] Regulated Closure restrictions will take effect Friday, June 30, 2017 at 12:01 a.m. for lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry in central Oregon. These lands include private, municipal and state lands protected by the Central Oregon District. Warm summer temperatures over the last few weeks have dried forest fuels, increasing fire behavior and the potential for rapid fire growth throughout the District. Recent lightning activity has kept firefighters busy, but of greater concern is the increase in human caused fires in the last week....

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Fire Season begins in central Oregon for lands protected by Oregon Department of Forestry

[Prineville, Ore.]  Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Central Oregon District (COD) is implementing fire season at 12:01 am on June 7, 2017.  Good winter snowpack delayed the on-set of fire season compared to recent years, however limited spring precipitation and seasonable temperatures have dried wildland fuels.  Adam Barnes, Prineville Assistant Unit Forester explains, “Following a relatively dry May we are seeing fires becoming resistant to control efforts and requiring additional resources to contain.”  Larger fuels are less susceptible to...

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Eastern Oregon Regional Forest Practices Committee will meet May 25 in LaGrande

Contact: Nick Hennemann, Public Affairs Specialist, Salem, 503-910-4311 Kyle Abraham, Deputy Chief Private Forests Division, Salem, 503-945-7473 SALEM, Ore.—The Eastern Oregon Regional Forest Practices Committee will meet Thursday, May 25. Time:     9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Place:    Oregon Department of Forestry office, 611 20th Street, LaGrande. Topics the committee will receive updates about and discuss include: The department generally and related legislative work The compliance audit report The E-Notify subscriber project The Eastern...

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New Faces in ODF’s Central Oregon District

[Prineville, Ore.]  Retirements, transfers, and promotions within Oregon Department of Forestry’s Central Oregon District (COD) over the last year created vacancies in Assistant Unit Forester(AUF) positions throughout the District.  These positions were filled with familiar faces from around COD. In late November 2016 Braden Britt was hired as John Day North AUF.  Braden has worked in COD since 2009 as a seasonal wildland firefighter, including time on the ODF Helitack Crew and as a Forest Officer in the John Day Unit and a developmental assignment as...

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