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Eastern Oregon Regional Forest Practices Committee will meet May 25 in LaGrande

Contact:Nick Hennemann, Public Affairs Specialist, Salem, 503-910-4311Kyle Abraham, Deputy Chief Private Forests Division, Salem, 503-945-7473 SALEM, Ore.—The Eastern Oregon Regional Forest Practices Committee will meet Thursday, May 25. Time:     9 a.m. to 3 p.m.Place:    Oregon Department of Forestry office, 611 20th Street, LaGrande. Topics the committee will receive updates about and discuss include: The department generally and related legislative work The compliance audit report The E-Notify subscriber project The Eastern...

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New Faces in ODF’s Central Oregon District

[Prineville, Ore.]  Retirements, transfers, and promotions within Oregon Department of Forestry’s Central Oregon District (COD) over the last year created vacancies in Assistant Unit Forester(AUF) positions throughout the District.  These positions were filled with familiar faces from around COD. In late November 2016 Braden Britt was hired as John Day North AUF.  Braden has worked in COD since 2009 as a seasonal wildland firefighter, including time on the ODF Helitack Crew and as a Forest Officer in the John Day Unit and a developmental assignment as...

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New Year brings changes to leadership in central Oregon for ODF

David Jacobs, Recently retired Unit Forester in The Dalles Unit [The Dalles, Ore.]  In December, David Jacobs, Central Oregon District’s (COD) long time Unit Forester in The Dalles, retired after thirty-five fire seasons with the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF).  Many landowners and cooperators don’t remember a time when David wasn’t an integral part of the wildfire protection program. Throughout his tenure David has provided leadership during intense and difficult fire seasons, participated on ODF’s Incident Management Teams statewide, and worked with...

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New Year brings changes to leadership in central Oregon for ODF

David Jacobs, Recently retired Unit Forester in The Dalles Unit [The Dalles, Ore.]  In December, David Jacobs, Central Oregon District’s (COD) long time Unit Forester in The Dalles, retired after thirty-five fire seasons with the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF).  Many landowners and cooperators don’t remember a time when David wasn’t an integral part of the wildfire protection program. Throughout his tenure David has provided leadership during intense and difficult fire seasons, participated on ODF’s Incident Management Teams statewide, and worked with...

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Crook County Forestland Classification Meeting

Date: 12/12/16 News Release – For Immediate ReleaseContact: Kristin Dodd, ODF (541)296-4626    Crook County Forestland Classification Committee -Public Meeting-  The Crook County Forestland Classification Committee has called a public meeting at the following time and location.  TIME:                                 10:00 - 12:00 P.M. Tuesday December 20, 2016...

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2016 Central Oregon District Fire Season Highlights

The 2016 Fire Season in ODF’s Central Oregon District (COD) wrapped up October 14th as fall rains and cooler temperatures reduced the risk of large fire growth.  At first glance 2016 appears to be a return to “normal” when compared to the historic fire seasons of 2013, 2014, and 2015.  Year-to-date, ninety-seven fires have burned 2,456 acres protected by COD.  The ten-year average for this time period is 156 fires, burning 11,958 acres.   Fuel conditions in May and early June looked as though 2016 would be similar to the previous three fire...

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2016 Central Oregon District Fire Season Highlights

The 2016 Fire Season in ODF’s Central Oregon District (COD) wrapped up October 14th as fall rains and cooler temperatures reduced the risk of large fire growth.  At first glance 2016 appears to be a return to “normal” when compared to the historic fire seasons of 2013, 2014, and 2015.  Year-to-date, ninety-seven fires have burned 2,456 acres protected by COD.  The ten-year average for this time period is 156 fires, burning 11,958 acres.   Fuel conditions in May and early June looked as though 2016 would be similar to the previous three fire...

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B & M Timber nominated for Eastern Oregon Regional Operator of the Year Award

B & M Timber from Burns, Oregon (Brad Clemens) has been nominated for the Eastern Oregon Regional Operator of The Year Award. Each year, the Oregon Department of Forestry selects an outstanding operator from each of the three regions for this award. B & M Timber’s work has consistently exceeded the Forest Practices Act and Forest Practice rules. Their work has demonstrated the ability to handle difficult circumstances, innovation, and extra effort to consistently produce outstanding results. On October 26st a committee consisting of Oregon Department of...

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B & M Timber nominated for Eastern Oregon Regional Operator of the Year Award

B & M Timber from Burns, Oregon (Brad Clemens) has been nominated for the Eastern Oregon Regional Operator of The Year Award. Each year, the Oregon Department of Forestry selects an outstanding operator from each of the three regions for this award. B & M Timber’s work has consistently exceeded the Forest Practices Act and Forest Practice rules. Their work has demonstrated the ability to handle difficult circumstances, innovation, and extra effort to consistently produce outstanding results. On October 26st a committee consisting of Oregon Department of...

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2016 Fire Season ends for private lands in central Oregon

The 2016 Fire Season for lands protected by Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Central Oregon District (COD) will terminate at 12:01 am October 14, 2016.  Powerful winter storms are expected to cross central Oregon starting today, bringing moisture and cooler conditions, reducing the risk of wildfire.  “Reducing is the key word,” says Ben Duda, Sisters’ Assistant Unit Forester.  “We all need to be cautious and responsible in our activities.  Just because fire season is over doesn’t mean things won’t burn.” COD firefighters have responded to...

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2016 Fire Season ends for private lands in central Oregon

The 2016 Fire Season for lands protected by Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Central Oregon District (COD) will terminate at 12:01 am October 14, 2016.  Powerful winter storms are expected to cross central Oregon starting today, bringing moisture and cooler conditions, reducing the risk of wildfire.  “Reducing is the key word,” says Ben Duda, Sisters’ Assistant Unit Forester.  “We all need to be cautious and responsible in our activities.  Just because fire season is over doesn’t mean things won’t burn.” COD firefighters have responded to...

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2016 Fire Season ends for private lands in central Oregon

The 2016 Fire Season for lands protected by Oregon Department of Forestry’s (ODF) Central Oregon District (COD) will terminate at 12:01 am October 14, 2016.  Powerful winter storms are expected to cross central Oregon starting today, bringing moisture and cooler conditions, reducing the risk of wildfire.  “Reducing is the key word,” says Ben Duda, Sisters’ Assistant Unit Forester.  “We all need to be cautious and responsible in our activities.  Just because fire season is over doesn’t mean things won’t burn.” COD firefighters have responded to...

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Oregon Department of Forestry terminates Regulated Closure on private lands in central Oregon

October 5, 2017 at 12:01 am.  Fire season is still in effect, and MH-1 and MH-4 remain at Industrial Fire Precaution Level 1. While restrictions on campfires and warming fires has been lifted, burn barrels and burning of debris may still be prohibited.  Check with your local ODF office.   Restrictions on activities such as chainsaw use, off-road vehicle use and mowing of dried grass has also been lifted.  District Forester Mike Shaw stated, “With the weather forecast, and the current fuel conditions the risk of ignition from these types of...

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Oregon Department of Forestry terminates Regulated Closure on private lands in central Oregon

ODF’s Central Oregon District will terminate Regulated Closure for private lands in central Oregon October 5, 2017 at 12:01 am.  Fire season is still in effect, and MH-1 and MH-4 remain at Industrial Fire Precaution Level 1. While restrictions on campfires and warming fires has been lifted, burn barrels and burning of debris may still be prohibited.  Check with your local ODF office.   Restrictions on activities such as chainsaw use, off-road vehicle use and mowing of dried grass has also been lifted.  District Forester Mike Shaw stated, “With the...

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MH-1 and MH-4 drop to IFPL Level 1

MH-1 and MH-4 in The Dalles Unit will be moving to Industrial Fire Precaution Level 1 effective October 3, 2016 at 12:00 PM.  This means operators can work all day, with a one hour fire watch required following operations.  All fire tools and water supplies are still required.  Follow this link for the full Closedown Order:  IFPL Requirements.  Please call Chet Behling, Stewardship Forester in The Dalles for further information, (541)296-4626. ODF's Central Oregon District remains in fire season, with Regulated...

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MH-1 and MH-4 drop to IFPL Level 1

MH-1 and MH-4 in The Dalles Unit will be moving to Industrial Fire Precaution Level 1 effective October 3, 2016 at 12:00 PM.  This means operators can work all day, with a one hour fire watch required following operations.  All fire tools and water supplies are still required.  Follow this link for the full Closedown Order:  IFPL Requirements.  Please call Chet Behling, Stewardship Forester in The Dalles for further information, (541)296-4626. ODF's Central Oregon District remains in fire season, with Regulated...

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Stewardship Forester Elden Ward Retires

 Elden Ward with his badge mounted on his retirement plaque. Elden Ward has been a Stewardship Forester for the Prineville Unit of the Central Oregon District for nearly fifteen years.  Elden retired today, and stated his only regret was "Not coming to work for ODF sooner".  Elden will be missed by his "ODF Family" and the landowners he helped each day.  Kristin Dodd (Prineville Unit Forester) with Elden. Fly fishing tops Elden's plans for retirement, but he also mentioned "doing some forestry stuff".  So it is likely we will see him around!...

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Stewardship Forester Elden Ward Retires

Elden Ward with his badge mounted on his retirement plaque. Elden Ward has been a Stewardship Forester for the Prineville Unit of the Central Oregon District for nearly fifteen years.  Elden retired today, and stated his only regret was "Not coming to work for ODF sooner".  Elden will be missed by his "ODF Family" and the landowners he helped each day. Kristin Dodd (Prineville Unit Forester) with Elden. Fly fishing tops Elden's plans for retirement, but he also mentioned "doing some forestry stuff".  So it is likely we will see him around!

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Wildfire suppression in Maury Mountains following prescribed burn

CENTRAL OREGON— Crews in the Maury Mountains are engaged in a fire suppression effort today after a wind event yesterday afternoon pushed a prescribed burn outside planned containment lines. The Ochoco National Forest had been conducting a prescribed burn to improve the natural resources within a 333-acre unit near Elkhorn campground and Forest Road 16.   Around 4 pm yesterday, an unexpected reversal of wind direction associated with a storm system from the south pushed fire north of the burn unit and carried it onto private ranch lands. Firefighters are working...

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Wildfire suppression in Maury Mountains following prescribed burn

CENTRAL OREGON— Crews in the Maury Mountains are engaged in a fire suppression effort today after a wind event yesterday afternoon pushed a prescribed burn outside planned containment lines. The Ochoco National Forest had been conducting a prescribed burn to improve the natural resources within a 333-acre unit near Elkhorn campground and Forest Road 16.   Around 4 pm yesterday, an unexpected reversal of wind direction associated with a storm system from the south pushed fire north of the burn unit and carried it onto private ranch lands. Firefighters are working...

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Fire danger remains HIGH throughout central Oregon

Cooler temperatures and shorter days mark the on-set of fall throughout central Oregon, however the change of the seasons isn’t an indicator of fire danger.  Fire danger remains HIGH throughout ODF’s Central Oregon District (COD).  The fire risk is primarily due to the lack of measurable precipitation throughout central Oregon for the past several months.  The limited moisture has kept fuel conditions dry, especially in the medium and large fuels.  Finer fuels such as grass are affected by the unstable weather patterns and can vary throughout the...

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Fire danger remains HIGH throughout central Oregon

Cooler temperatures and shorter days mark the on-set of fall throughout central Oregon, however the change of the seasons isn’t an indicator of fire danger.  Fire danger remains HIGH throughout ODF’s Central Oregon District (COD).  The fire risk is primarily due to the lack of measurable precipitation throughout central Oregon for the past several months.  The limited moisture has kept fuel conditions dry, especially in the medium and large fuels.  Finer fuels such as grass are affected by the unstable weather patterns and can vary throughout the...

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