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Wassen Fire Pond Update | July 5, 2016

[The Dalles Unit, Central Oregon District] - The Wassen Pond Fire was reported at about 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 3, burning four miles west of The Dalles on lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry and Mid-Columbia Fire and Rescue. The fire remains at 300 acres this morning (about 30 acres on ODF jurisdiction) and is 75 percent contained. Line construction will continue today to fully contain the fire. The fire is under Unified Command between ODF and MCFR. Cause remains under investigation.

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Wassen Pond Fire

 [The Dalles Unit, Central Oregon District] - The Wassen Pond Fire was reported at about 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 3, burning four miles west of The Dalles on lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry and Mid-Columbia Fire and Rescue.  The fire, under Unified Command between ODF and MCFR, is currently approximately 180 acres (with most of that acreage on MCFR), and hand- and dozer-lined.  Additional resources from ODF, rural fire departments in the area, and the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area are assisting with this...

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Wassen Pond Fire

 [The Dalles Unit, Central Oregon District] - The Wassen Pond Fire was reported at about 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 3, burning four miles west of The Dalles on lands protected by the Oregon Department of Forestry and Mid-Columbia Fire and Rescue.  The fire, under Unified Command between ODF and MCFR, is currently approximately 180 acres (with most of that acreage on MCFR), and hand- and dozer-lined.  Additional resources from ODF, rural fire departments in the area, and the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area are assisting with this...

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ODF Implements Regulated Use Closure on Lands Protected by Central Oregon District

Prineville, Ore—Lands protected by ODF’s Central Oregon District (COD) will be placed under a Regulated Use Closure beginning Friday July 1, 2016 at 12:01 am.  The Regulated Use Closure applies to private, county, and state owned lands protected by COD in Deschutes, Grant, Hood River, Wasco, Wheeler, Crook, Jefferson, Morrow, Harney, Umatilla, Lake, and Gilliam counties.  The intent of the Closure is to limit human caused wildfires.  Recent high temperatures have dried wildland fuels and increased the danger of large fire growth.  Human caused...

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ODF Implements Regulated Use Closure on Lands Protected by Central Oregon District

Prineville, Ore—Lands protected by ODF’s Central Oregon District (COD) will be placed under a Regulated Use Closure beginning Friday July 1, 2016 at 12:01 am.  The Regulated Use Closure applies to private, county, and state owned lands protected by COD in Deschutes, Grant, Hood River, Wasco, Wheeler, Crook, Jefferson, Morrow, Harney, Umatilla, Lake, and Gilliam counties.  The intent of the Closure is to limit human caused wildfires.  Recent high temperatures have dried wildland fuels and increased the danger of large fire growth.  Human caused...

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Akawana Fire Update–June 15, 2016

Sisters, Ore…Mop-up operations for the 2,094 acre Akawana Fire are near complete.  The fire is now 95% contained, with a 500 foot cold black line around most of the perimeter.  Smoke may continue to be visible from material burning in the interior of the fire for several weeks.  Cool, moist weather throughout central Oregon has aided firefighters during the mop-up activities, and reduced interior fire activity.  Firefighters experienced scattered showers over some parts of the fire today and the weather forecast calls for additional precipitation...

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Akawana Fire Update–June 15, 2016

Sisters, Ore…Mop-up operations for the 2,094 acre Akawana Fire are near complete.  The fire is now 95% contained, with a 500 foot cold black line around most of the perimeter.  Smoke may continue to be visible from material burning in the interior of the fire for several weeks.  Cool, moist weather throughout central Oregon has aided firefighters during the mop-up activities, and reduced interior fire activity.  Firefighters experienced scattered showers over some parts of the fire today and the weather forecast calls for additional precipitation...

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Akawana Fire Update–June 14th

Akawana Fire update…Today firefighters continued mop up activities within the fire perimeter, working to extinguish flames and smoke within 500’ of the fireline.  Most of the work is complete, however smoke may be visible from smoldering stumps or burning material well in the interior of the fire perimeter.  Crews also worked hard today to remove the remaining fire hose from the fire line.  Mop-up will continue tomorrow.  The fire is now 90% contained with 2,094 acres burned.

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Akawana Fire Update–June 14

Akawana Fire update…Today firefighters continued mop up activities within the fire perimeter, working to extinguish flames and smoke within 500’ of the fireline.  Most of the work is complete, however smoke may be visible from smoldering stumps or burning material well in the interior of the fire perimeter.  Crews also worked hard today to remove the remaining fire hose from the fire line.  Mop-up will continue tomorrow.  The fire is now 90% contained with 2,094 acres burned.

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Akawana Fire Quick Facts–June 12th, 2016 9 pm

Oregon Department of Forestry Incident Management Team 3 Link Smith, Incident Commander Information:             Type of Incident:                     Wildfire...

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Akawana Fire Update – 06-11-16 morning

Contact: Tom Fields Oregon Dept. of Forestry 503-983-8897 Sisters, OR –  Fire crews were very successful yesterday and overnight thanks to hard work, cool temperatures and higher humidity. All Level 2 evacuation notifications have now been lowered to Level 1 (be ready). This includes homes in the Three Rivers subdivision (as of June 9), Forest Park, Air Park, Rim Park and their outlying areas (as of yesterday). Gusty afternoon winds spurred one spot fire across containment lines in the southeast corner of the fire that crews, equipment and helicopters quickly...

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Akawana Fire Update – 06-11-16 morning

Contact: Tom Fields Oregon Dept. of Forestry 503-983-8897 Sisters, OR –  Fire crews were very successful yesterday and overnight thanks to hard work, cool temperatures and higher humidity. All Level 2 evacuation notifications have now been lowered to Level 1 (be ready). This includes homes in the Three Rivers subdivision (as of June 9), Forest Park, Air Park, Rim Park and their outlying areas (as of yesterday). Gusty afternoon winds spurred one spot fire across containment lines in the southeast corner of the fire that crews, equipment and helicopters quickly...

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COD is in Fire Season

Fire Season for Central Oregon District was implemented June 3, 2016.  Burn permits MAY be allowed for non-industrial burning.  Follow all restrictions on the burn permit, including calling the local burn information line prior to ignition.

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ODF Declares Fire Season in Central Oregon District

Fire Season 2016 will begin Friday June 3rd at 12:01 am for ODF’s Central Oregon District (COD).  Warm spring temperatures have quickly melted the winter snowpack and dried wildland fuels.  District fire managers have monitored fuel indices over the last few weeks to determine fire danger and the risk of fire spread.  Long term weather forecasts indicate a pattern of above normal temperatures with minimal possibility of precipitation, further drying fuels. June 28, 2015—Sugarloaf Fire in Grant County With implementation of fire season, burn permits...

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Seedlings available to local landowners

In partnership with the USFS Malheur National Forest, ODF’s John Day Unit will be redistributing surplus tree seedlings to local private landowners for planting.  Seedlings will be redistributed on a first come first server basis, with a 500 seedling per landowner limit.  Landowners who are interested in more seedlings will be considered after the initial distribution.  Seedlings will be available for pick-up starting May 2nd, at 9:00 am.  Details are available by contacting Shelly Speakman at ODF’s John Day Unit at 541-575-1139. This is a unique...

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Seedlings available to local landowners

In partnership with the USFS Malheur National Forest, ODF’s John Day Unit will be redistributing surplus tree seedlings to local private landowners for planting.  Seedlings will be redistributed on a first come first server basis, with a 500 seedling per landowner limit.  Landowners who are interested in more seedlings will be considered after the initial distribution.  Seedlings will be available for pick-up starting May 2nd, at 9:00 am.  Details are available by contacting Shelly Speakman at ODF’s John Day Unit at 541-575-1139. This is a unique...

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ODF Encourages Fire Prevention in Spring Activities

As warmer spring weather inspires us to get out and enjoy all that central Oregon has to offer, ODF reminds us to practice fire safety to prevent uncontrolled fires.  Warm dry weather, alternating with cooler moist periods can give a false sense of reduced fire danger. Burning yard debris from landscaping projects or fuel reduction activities and campfires/warming fires can pose a significant wildfire risk if allowed to burn uncontrolled. Escaped debris burns are the leading human-caused fire issue in Oregon, accounting for thirty fires burning 88 acres in the...

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ODF Encourages Fire Prevention in Spring Activities

As warmer spring weather inspires us to get out and enjoy all that central Oregon has to offer, ODF reminds us to practice fire safety to prevent uncontrolled fires.  Warm dry weather, alternating with cooler moist periods can give a false sense of reduced fire danger. Burning yard debris from landscaping projects or fuel reduction activities and campfires/warming fires can pose a significant wildfire risk if allowed to burn uncontrolled. Escaped debris burns are the leading human-caused fire issue in Oregon, accounting for thirty fires burning 88 acres in the...

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Oregon Department of Forestry partners with US Forest Service through the Federal Forest Health Program

News Release April 1, 2016 Contacts:      Jamie Knight, 541-786-2039                        Christie Shaw, 541-263-0661 Oregon Department of Forestry’s Northeast Oregon and Central Oregon Districts have partnered with the United States Forest Service to provide marking crews on federal timber sales. This partnership is funded by the Federal Forest Health Program initiated by Oregon’s Legislature during the 2013-15 biennium, and included...

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COD Budget Hearing April 12, 2016

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING                     Pursuant to ORS 477.250, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held to receive from any interested persons suggestions, advice, objections or remonstrance’s to the proposed budget for the Central Oregon Forest Protection District.  A hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, at 1:00 P.M., at the Oregon Department of Forestry – District Office, 3501 NE 3rd Street, Prineville, OR. Copies of the tentative...

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