News Releases
Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee Oct. 27, 2021
Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee -Public Meeting- The Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee has called a public meeting at the following time and location. DATE: Wednesday October 27, 2021 TIME: 12:00 P.M.-2:00 P.M. LOCATION: VIRTUAL MEETING The public is welcome to attend via Zoom videoconference at the following: ...
Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee May 27, 2021
Date: May 20, 2021 News Release – For Immediate Release Contact: Kristin Dodd, ODF, 541-296-4626 Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee -Public Meeting- The Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee has called a public meeting at the following time and location. DATE: Thursday May 27, 2021 TIME: 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. LOCATION: VIRTUAL MEETING The public is welcome to attend via Zoom videoconference at the following: https://odf.zoom.us/j/92689787333 ...
Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee – April 29, 2021
Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee -Public Meeting- The Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee has called a public meeting at the following time and location. DATE: Thursday April 29, 2021 TIME: 1:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. LOCATION: VIRTUAL MEETING The public is welcome to attend via Zoom videoconference at the following: https://odf.zoom.us/j/97259366729 Phone # if computer audio is not working: 1-346-248-7799 or 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 972 5936 6729 The...
Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee March 24, 2021
Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee -Public Meeting- The Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee has called a public meeting at the following time and location. DATE: Wednesday March 24, 2021 TIME: 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. LOCATION: VIRTUAL MEETING The public is welcome to attend via Zoom videoconference at the following:...
Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee Feb. 25, 2021
Date: February 19, 2021 News Release – For Immediate Release Contact: Kristin Dodd, ODF, 541-296-4626 Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee -Public Meeting- The Hood River-Wasco Counties Forestland Classification Committee has called a public meeting at the following time and location. DATE: Thursday February 25, 2021 TIME: 1:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. LOCATION: VIRTUAL MEETING The public is welcome to...
See your property’s classification
- ODF Forest classification status map
- Crook County property map
- Deschutes County property map
- Jefferson County property map
Forestland Classification Committees
Crook County
Committee documents
Classification information
Committee members
Tim Deboodt, OSU Extension (Chair)
Casey Kump, OR State Fire Marshal
Ken Fahlgren, County Representative
John Morgan, Timberland Representative
Chuck McGrath, Grazing Representative
Gordon Foster, ODF Rep (Secretary)
Deschutes County
Committee documents
Classification information
Committee members
Ed Keith, County Rep (Chair)
Nicole Strong, OSU Extension
Jeremy Ast, OR State Fire Marshal
Bill Swarts, Timberland Representative
Matt Cyrus, Grazing Representative
Gordon Foster, ODF Rep (Secretary)
Hood River/Wasco County
Committee documents
Committee members
Dave Anderson, Wasco County Rep (Chair)
Steve Kramer, Wasco County Rep (Vice Chair)
Doug Thiesies, Hood River County Rep
Paul Jones, Hood River County Rep
Glenn Ahrens, OSU Extension
Jim Trammell, OSFM Rep
Kristin Dodd, ODF Rep (Secretary)
Jefferson County
Classification information
- Jefferson County property map
- Forestland classification map (East)
- Forestland classification map (West)
- Timeline
- Forestland classification handout
- Videos
Meeting information
Jan. 8, 2024
Hearing video
Dec. 28, 2023
Jan. 6, 2023
Issue paper 1 thorugh 7 decision points
Committee members
Chief Don Colfels, OR State Fire Marshal (Chair)
Diane Burkeen, Member at Large (Small lot landowner)
Ryan Wolfenbarger, Timberland Representative
Tom Norton Jr., Grazing Representative
Ariel Cowan, OSU Extension
Ben Duda, ODF Rep (Secretary)